Some patients may have noticed the book, Stage IV to Center Stage by Denise DeSimone in the waiting room at Elemental Medicine. The book details the journey of healing and self-knowledge undertaken by Denise after she learns that the lump on her neck is a stage IV squamous cell carcinoma that could kill her within […]
(6380)(0)By Dr. George Savastio, ND I recently read an article from the Wall Street Journal titled: Most Dietary Supplements Don’t Do Anything. Why Do We Spend $35 billion a year on them? As evidence for her claim, the author cites the opinions of two researchers employed by the National Institute of Health (NIH). In their […]
(5512)(0)One of the core principles of natural medicine since time immemorial is that a primary cause of illness is the accumulation of toxins in the body. Accordingly, detoxification methods have been in use since before the advent of writing. Ancient cuneiform tablets depict the use of hollow reeds to flush out toxins in the colon […]
(5356)(0)By George Savastio, ND You have probably heard the saying, “If some is good, more is better”. This seems to me to be a very American expression. If you know any Ayurveda, it’s the kind of thing American pitta people think. We live in a country where our automobiles, TV screens, coffee cups and dinner […]