by Dr. George Savastio, ND Last week we sent out a message describing the incredible balancing of yin and yang happening around the world in the wake of our great teacher, COVID-19. (Perhaps we can hold a contest to come up with a better and more appropriate name for such a powerful and defining force […]
(13231)(0)by Dr. George Savastio, ND As always happens in times of stress (which is always in modern America) rumors circulate that sound credible but turn out to be nonsense. Sometimes nonsense that could get in the way of helping. This times around, the much-beloved herb elderberry is coming under attack. Facebook devotees are seeing articles […]
(12580)(0)As we all know, this is a constantly changing situation, this is where we are now: Dr. Savastio and I have been monitoring the situation daily with close attention. There is a scientific consensus that things are going to get worse before they get better. We feel that, as in all challenging times, it is […]
(14549)(0)By Dr. George Savastio, ND Well, it seems there is another “new” virus circulating around the world. The news media lead every broadcast with announcements of new cases and rising death tolls, often without any context, such as the fact that most of the deaths in the USA (still single digits as of this writing) […]