Optimal Wellness

Elemental Medicine helps patients thrive and age with power and grace. Each patient is evaluated in the context of his or her whole life—physically, emotionally, mentally and even sometimes spiritually, particularly for those patients facing life-threatening illnesses.

Many patients who have a strong family history of disease seek the help of Dr. Devlin and Dr. Savastio as a proactive measure. Often they want preventative help dealing with stress, diet, exercise and lifestyle choices.

Dr. George Savastio“Your state of health grows organically and naturally out of your lifestyle…and there is no health without exercise.”
—Dr. George Savastio



Dr. Beth Devlin“Treating the whole person by using herbs, homeopathic remedies and supplements is a powerful way of bringing a person’s health back to a centered state.”
—Dr. Beth Devlin



Using Ayurveda’s concepts of the constitutions—or individual body types — Dr. Devlin and Dr. Savastio will determine the best exercise and foods for general good health and preventative care, tailored specifically to that patient. Understanding the elements of their unique constitution is empowering for most patients.

The nurturing, caring support of Dr. Devlin and Dr. Savastio is a valuable component in keeping patients on track in maintaining good health.